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The Brazilian Social Impact Caused by Climate Change, Seasonal Droughts and Fires

Climate change associated with seasonal drought in some regions and fires causes several adverse effects that impact people’s lives. NASA data showed that the Evaporative Stress Index (ESI) indicates evapotranspiration rates in the periods of May 7 and June 4, 2021 are different compared to normal conditions. Even though they are not wilting or showing changes in the color of the leaves, the plants are stressed due to unbalanced humidity. much of this stressed vegetation is located in what would be the main agricultural regions, in the states of Minas Gerais, Goiás, Mato Grosso do Sul, São Paulo and Paraná.

Brazilian government authorities presented records that rainfall has been below average since October 2019. Although the changes are already happening, there are still ways to reduce their impact, as shown in the BBC News Brasil report below, which illustrates a sustainable agricultural production process.


Agricultores transformam deserto em floresta no Semiárido brasileiro. Available in: <>. Accessed: 6 oct. 2023.
Brazil Battered by Drought. Available in: <>. ‌Accessed: 6 oct. 2023.

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